Magnolia Wastewater Resumes Smoke Testing

The Magnolia Wastewater crew will be smoke testing sanitary sewers in the Junior High School area starting Monday (August 8th).

Other areas to be smoke tested will include:

North Street between Dudney and Verda,

West Union between Dudney and Pine,

East McNeil between Dudney and Jackson,

North Oakland,


Smith Street between Dudney and Olive,



Lucy Circle,

Nursery Street,

and Joy St.

Magnolia Wastewater says:

“This test will assist us in locating breaks and defects in the sewer system. During the test YOU MAY SEE SMOKE COMING FROM VENT STACKS ON BUILDS OR HOLES IN THE GROUND.  Don’t be alarmed. The smoke has no odor, is non-toxic, non-staining, does not create a fire hazard, and will dissipate in a few minutes.

Before we conduct the smoke test, please pour water into your floor drains and unused sinks. This will seal the drain traps so smoke will not enter your building through the drain.

If Smoke should enter your building during the test, it probably means that there are defects in your plumbing that could allow DANGEROUS SEWER GAS to enter your building. Note the location of the smoke and call the number at the bottom of this to arrange a meeting with our inspector. Open doors and windows to ventilate any smoke that enters your building.

Please notify us before we conduct the test if you have any of following situations:

  • dogs, birds or other pets that will be confined alone in the building during the test.
  • A person who will be alone and is an invalid or sleeping during the test.
  • Any individuals with respiratory problems who will be in the building.
  • Elderly persons who will be alone and might be alarmed or confused if they see smoke.”

If you have any of these situations or have questions regarding the smoke test, call:

City Hall                                 234-1375

Russell Thomas                   904-1694

Wastewater                         234-2955